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Foundation to Wellness - New Age / Spiritual Speciality Store infused with a Holistic Therapy Centre.

Trauma is stored within the body!

"When it comes to Chronic Stress & Trauma, there is No quick fix, No magic wand.... it's a process...."


‘A transformative Tension & Trauma Release Therapy, which has had exceptional success in alleviating stress, anxiety, and PTSD worldwide, with lasting results with many veterans and first responders.’

TRE® stands for Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises created by Dr. David Berceli, PhD.
Berceli has used TRE® to support war veterans in the United States military and many first responders to traumatic events.

TRE® stands for Tension & Trauma Release Exercises, developed by Dr. David Berceli, PhD. This series of simple exercises allows your body to activate an innate reflex mechanism that initiates shaking and vibrating throughout the body. This process facilitates the release of muscle tension and the calming and rewiring of your nervous system. This transformative process helps to disperse the accumulated energy from stress and trauma.

“According to research conducted by Scaer in 2007, the tremor mechanism used in trauma-releasing exercises reduce or inhibits the activity of the amygdala, the seat of the fight or flight response. Scaer found that the neuronal networks with trauma content inside them are erased in the procedural memory of the person practicing TRE®. The tremors and movements of trauma-releasing exercises help form new positive neural networks increasing a person’s ability to relax and self-regulate.”


During a TRE® session you are guided through the exercises & technique in a safe, supported & nurturing environment.

The session also incorporates learning more about your nervous system & teaching you grounding & self-regulation techniques.

The amount of sessions needed before you can confidently and safely do TRE on your own is approximately 6 sessions but this will vary between individuals.
You will eventually take these techniques to use as a regular self-care, stress/tension/trauma reduction practice at home.
Foundation to Wellness - New Age / Spiritual Speciality Store infused with a Holistic Therapy Centre.

Benefits Include

  • Reduces Stress, Worry & Anxiety
  • Reduces Symptoms of PTSD
  • More Energy & Endurance
  • Increase Mental Clarity & Focus
  • Improved Connections/Relationships
  • Improves Sleep
  • Reduced Muscle & Back Pain
  • Increased Flexibility
  • Greater Emotional Resiliency
  • Managing Somatic Symptom Disorders
    & Functional Neurological Disorders
  • Decreases Symptoms of Vicarious Trauma
  • Healing of Old Injuries
  • Lessened Anxiety surrounding Serious Illness
  • Relief from Chronic Medical Conditions

STAR Groups Animated video about Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises TRE®


Amber Van Haastrecht

As well as being a certified TRE® provider, Amber is trained in Holistic Counselling, Alcohol & Drug Counselling, Massage Therapy, Naturopathy, Reiki/Energy/Crystal & Sound Therapy.
Amber has been practicing & teaching in the health/natural health industry for over 25 years and has a passion to help people on their healing journey and achieve their truest potential.
Working through her own journey of PTSD and anxiety, Amber’s lived experience has led her to form a special interest in trauma healing. As well as completing her training in TRE®, Embodied Processing and Psychosensory Trauma Therapy, Amber has continued extensively training on many new Trauma informed techniques including Somatic Movement, NeuroAffective Touch & Trauma Informed Yoga Therapy.

Foundation to Wellness - New Age / Spiritual Speciality Store infused with a Holistic Therapy Centre.
Amber Van Haastrecht

Amber is passionate about Trauma Coaching and also offers an extensive one on one Transformational Trauma Therapy program customised to your needs.

Foundation to Wellness - New Age / Spiritual Speciality Store infused with a Holistic Therapy Centre.

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Foundation to Wellness - New Age / Spiritual Speciality Store infused with a Holistic Therapy Centre.